Create Account

All authors are required to kindly make a Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) as guided below:

Please visit using your browser.

Kindly click on “Register” to create a new CMT account.

Please fill in all of the necessary data in the provided column and then click on the ‘”Register” button at the end of the page. 

The preview below will indicate that your account has been registered successfully and you will need to verify your registration using the link sent to your email. 

Please open the inbox of the email that you use when registering your account. There will be an email sent by Microsoft CMT containing account verification link, please kindly click on that link.

Your CMT account has been successfully created if you see the notification as shown below.

After successfully creating CMT account, participant have to submit the paper in the form of MS Word in compliance to the provided template.


For authors that have successfully create CMT account, you are required to proceed on submiting your paper via the link below:

Please visit:

Please insert your email and password, then click on “Log In”.

Upon logging in, you will be directed to a page where you can initiate a new submission by clicking on “Create new submission” and selecting the appropriate paper category.

We kindly request that you fill in the title and abstract fields, including relevant keywords, for your paper.

For co-authors, please provide their email addresses associated with their CMT accounts. Additionally, upload the complete paper document in accordance with the provided template format, ensuring inclusion of the abstract. In the “Publication Novelty Statement” section, please confirm your agreement by checking the designated box. Finally, click on “Submit”.

If there are any reviewers involved in your paper creation, kindly navigate to the “Edit” section, select your relationship with the reviewer, and click “Done”.

Upon successful submission, you will receive a Submission Summary. In the event of any errors encountered during the file or abstract submission process, we kindly request that you contact the committee at for assistance. You may subsequently perform any changes by selecting “Edit Submission”. Alternatively, if no modifications are required, please proceed by clicking “Back to Author Console”. 

Once your paper has been successfully submitted, it will be displayed in the Author Console. Within the “Actions” column, you will find various commands available for adjusting submission details.

Reviewers will assess your paper, and their feedback will be accessible in the “Files” column. Simply click on each file name to review the feedback provided.

We encourage you to update your paper in accordance with the reviewer feedback. The revised paper can then be uploaded by selecting “Create Camera Ready Submission”. Prior to submission, we recommend conducting a thorough review.

Please ensure that the title and abstract fields are updated to reflect the revised paper version

Subsequently, upload the final paper document as per the provided template, ensuring inclusion of the abstract. Please confirm your adherence to the submission guidelines by checking the statement checklist, and then proceed by clicking “Submit”.

Your paper submission will be considered successful upon reaching the “Camera Ready Summary” page.

In the event of any errors encountered during the file or abstract submission process, we kindly request that you contact for assistance. You may initiate changes by selecting the “Edit camera ready submission” button. To return to the main page, please click “Back to Author Console”. 

Upon submission of the Camera Ready Paper, it will be prominently displayed on the Author Console page.

The paper submission process has been successfully completed. Should you encounter any challenges, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at Furthermore, kindly ensure that you communicate any modifications to the submitted data or paper directly to the committee via email at We greatly appreciate your kind cooperation.